CNote’s Impact Roundup

Welcome to the first edition of the CNote impact Round-Up! In this monthly publication, we’ll take you through some of the most impactful and popular things we recently shared, discovered, or learned. From big industry news to op-ed pieces, we’ll paint an entertaining and full-spectrum picture of everything that you need to know in the sustainability and impact investing space.

As Crises Deepen Inequity, CDFIs Act as a Counterforce to Build Community Assets by Capital Impact Partners.

COVID-19 has had a disproportionate effect on low-income communities and communities of color. CDFIs have stepped up to serve as a counterforce, and ensure that these vulnerable communities have access to fair and responsible lending for community-based projects.

Sustainability Is the Next Digital by Bain and Company. 

“Similar to the digital revolution before it, the sustainability revolution changes everything.” While “sustainability” has become household vernacular, this article is definitely an eye-opener in terms of how much this revolution is changing the business landscape. These changes present both challenges and opportunities and will require businesses to pivot and adapt to succeed.

Foundations, Invest in Impact, by Alliance Magazine.

Impact Investing has become far more mainstream in the past few years. Still, according to this article, “40 percent of foundations say they don’t know enough about impact investing to incorporate it into their strategies.” Check out this article to see some tools and strategies for investing with impact, and if it is right for your foundation.

On Veterans Day, we highlighted Nola Veazie, who was featured on our Impact Story Blog.  Nola served 20 years in the Air Force before founding V-Solutions Consulting, which provides the latest substance abuse and mental health training, treatment, and protocols. By connecting with a CNote CDFI partner, Dr. Veazie was able to receive not only business mentorship but marketing and technology training to grow her business.

ESG By the Numbers by Sage Advisory

In 2009, Apple had just released the iPhone 3Gs, the Mets finished the season with a 70-92 record, and assets under management for sustainable funds was $113B.

A lot has changed since then. Well, not the Mets. But AUM for sustainable funds is 9x what it was back then. Check out the full article for an amazing infographic on how much U.S. sustainable funds have grown in the past decade.

The Business of Sustainability by the World Economic Forum 

 As the ESG field has grown, “the appetite for investments that address some of the world’s most pressing challenges has grown steadily in recent years.”

From this, business has the opportunity to create a more equitable, fair, and progressive society, which is necessary for a “sustainable, resilient, and market-oriented private sector.”

We need to revisit the small business lending process for women entrepreneurs by Catherine Berman.

“Consider this: Less than 5% of small business lending goes to women, despite the fact that about 1,800 new women-owned businesses join the United States economy each and every day.” CNote co-founder and CEO, Catherine Berman, authored this piece, discussing the immensely negative effect that unequal lending practices for women can and do have across the country.

ESG assets in U.S. surge 42% in last 2 years – report. By Pensions and Investments 

In the middle of November, The US SIF Foundation released its biennial report: On U.S. Sustainable and Impact Investing Trends. This article covers some of the report’s biggest findings, like “Sustainable investing assets in the U.S. grew 42% in the last two years.

Want to Advance Racial and Economic Justice? Invest in Small, Black-Led CDFIs by Catherine Berman and Donna Gambrell

The funding gap between Black-led CDFIs and white-led is startling.

CNote CEO, Catherine Berman and Donna Gambrell (CEO of Appalachian Community Capital, pictured) recently authored a piece advocating for more investments into Black-led CDFIs

What did we miss? Connect with us on Twitter (@gocnote) and leave us any comments, ideas, or feedback that you have!