Empowering Communities to Rebuild: CNote’s Disaster Recovery and Resilience Program

The recent hurricanes on the East Coast of the United States have left a trail of devastation, impacting homes, businesses, and the lives of thousands. These storms, like many natural disasters, disproportionately affect low- to moderate-income (LMI) and Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) communities—those least equipped to recover quickly. In times of disaster, financial support is critical to rebuilding, but for many in these underserved communities, the lack of resources deepens the already existing inequality. CNote’s Disaster Recovery and Resilience Program aims to bridge that gap, providing support through loans and insured deposits to community financial institutions that help these communities rebuild and prepare for future challenges.

Devastated coastal town submerged in floodwater after a powerful hurricane.

Why It’s Important: 

Natural disasters do not affect all communities equally. LMI and BIPOC communities often reside in the areas most vulnerable to climate-related disasters, such as flood-prone regions or areas with inadequate infrastructure. The lower cost of living in these regions comes with a high price: frequent exposure to hurricanes, floods, and other climate risks. When disaster strikes, these communities face numerous challenges beyond financial constraints—they may lack transportation to evacuate, have jobs that do not offer time off, or experience inadequate housing that cannot withstand extreme weather.

Lacking financial support and experiencing high climate-related barriers, they struggle to rebuild, deepening inequality. The cycle is devastating: homes are destroyed, businesses shutter, and communities are left vulnerable to the next disaster. Without adequate resources, recovery is slow, and the long-term resilience of these communities becomes compromised.

Empowering Communities Through Mission-Driven Financial Institutions:

CNote’s Disaster Recovery and Resilience Program was created to respond to these urgent needs. By partnering with mission-driven financial institutions like Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs), Minority Depository Institutions (MDIs), and Low-Income Designated Credit Unions (LIDs), CNote, through its Fixed-Income and Impact Cash® solutions, can quickly deploy capital to community financial institutions supporting areas in need. These institutions, deeply embedded in their communities, understand the unique needs of the residents they serve, offering tailored solutions to support recovery and future resilience.

Through Impact CashⓇ and Fixed Income solutions*, deposits and loans provide capital to support critical recovery efforts. This capital supports:

  • Home Reconstruction: These families can begin to rebuild, not just their houses, but the sense of safety and security that was ripped away. With access to the financial resources they need, parents can reassure their children that they will once again have a home—one built stronger, to withstand future storms. This is more than just bricks and mortar; it’s about restoring dignity and giving families back their futures.
  • Support for Small Businesses: Access to loans and grants from community financial institutions becomes the lifeline that allows small businesses to rise from the wreckage. It’s the difference between shutting down permanently and having the means to rebuild inventory, repair damaged equipment, and reopen their doors. With financial support, these businesses can continue to be pillars in their communities, providing not just services but also hope, jobs, and stability in uncertain times.
  • Climate Resilience Projects: With the support of mission-driven financial institutions, communities can invest in much-needed improvements. Imagine homes fortified against the next hurricane, with stronger roofs and raised foundations that stand resilient against floodwaters. Picture small businesses retrofitting their shops, ensuring they are not only prepared for future disasters but better equipped to stay open and continue supporting the local economy when the storms pass. These efforts give people more than just physical protection—they offer peace of mind and a sense of security for whatever the future may hold.

The Disaster Recovery and Resilience Program steps in to provide the critical financial support to mission-driven financial institutions needed to overcome these challenges. By working with local mission-driven financial institutions, this program supports that the funds go to those who need them most, helping families rebuild homes, replacing personal property, and getting businesses back on their feet.

The recent hurricanes throughout the Southeast USA are a reminder of how critical disaster recovery support is, especially for underserved communities. The Disaster Recovery and Resilience Program, through partnerships with mission-driven financial institutions, is helping to rebuild hope, restore livelihoods, and create a more resilient future for all.

*CNote Group, Inc. (“CNote”) is not a bank, a credit union, or any other type of financial institution. CNote is not a registered investment advisor with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or a broker-dealer authorized by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA). CNote is not a legal, financial, accounting or tax advisor. We encourage you to consult with a financial adviser or investment professional to determine whether or not the CNote platform makes sense for you. Fixed-Income Solutions: CNote offers unregistered securities consisting of various promissory notes (“Notes”) to eligible investors pursuant to Regulation A and Regulation D under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. For more information on risks related to investing in our Flagship Fund Notes, for unaccredited investors please see our latest Flagship Fund Offering Circular as filed with and qualified by the SEC. For accredited investors please see our latest Flagship Fund Private Placement Memorandum Neither the SEC nor any state securities regulator has passed upon or endorsed the merits of any investment in CNote’s offerings. Investments in our Notes are not bank deposits and are not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), or any other governmental agency. Investing in our Notes involves risk of loss, including the principal invested. Impact Cash: Impact Cash is not a security or investment. Impact Cash deposits are insured by the FDIC or NCUA, and subject to the terms and conditions of the Impact Cash agreements. CNote does not negotiate interest rates.