CNote’s Q3 2022 Impact Report

CNote is excited to share our Q3 2022 Impact Report.

Our Q3 report features the impact our mission-driven partners have had in communities and the innovative work other industry associations are pioneering alongside us. Additionally, CNote is excited to announce two new hires on our engineering team, and that we have expanded the suppliers we work with to include a women-led and -founded IT and security support company.

In this report you will see:

  • An update on CNote’s growing and diverse team and network.
  • An update on Impact Cash, CNote’s fixed income solutions, and our customizable promissory loans.
  • A look at some of inspiring industry associations CNote works with that are pioneering innovative programs of their own.
  • CNote borrower spotlights that highlight the impactful work mission-driven lenders have done this quarter.

Quarterly Impact Report Q3 2022