CNote’s February Impact Roundup

Welcome to the February edition of the CNote Impact Round-Up, a monthly publication, where we take you through some of the most impactful and popular things we recently shared, discovered, or learned.

Throughout the month we shared brief biographies of African Americans who changed the course of history in the face of incredible adversity; from Bessie Coleman, the first African-American woman to earn a pilot’s license, to Madam C. J. Walker, the first Black woman millionaire in America. 

In the spirit of the month and of these individuals, we shared articles surrounding the challenges that this community is still facing and why it is so important that we invest in their success.

We also shared different articles on Impact investing in Native communities and CDFIs, how CDFIs have supported disadvantaged communities throughout COVID-19, and how world leaders can prioritize sustainable and responsible business.

Bank of America recently completed an extensive study of 307 Black business owners to explore the goals, challenges, and realities of black business owners across the country. The results revealed that 56% of “Black business owners report obstacles obtaining credit restrict their ability to grow.” 

Check out the full article here

In 2021- it is as clear as ever that access to capital for black entrepreneurs needs to be invested in. The CNote team recently penned the following Twitter thread discussing some of the most telling statistics around economic and racial inequality. 

Check out the full thread here

We were recently featured in Forbes, in an article highlighting how CNote makes it easy to put your savings to work by investing in disadvantaged communities.

“How do we use financial innovation to help close the wealth gap in this country?” asks Berman, CEO at CNote. “How do we bridge that gap in opportunity in the United States? Opportunity shouldn’t be based on who your parents are, what zip code you were born in, the color of your skin, or other pieces of your identity.”

Check out the full article here

“But for Indigenous communities and Native Nations to ensure just, equitable, and regenerative development for future generations, equitable development requires more than just capital flow: it requires a dramatic shift in power.” 


Check out the full article here

Great read from IFF on how impact investors can structure their investments into CDFIs to strengthen the community finance ecosystem and create greater impact.

Check out the full article here

An article worth checking out on how CDFIs have fought to provide crucial support to small businesses through the chaos of the pandemic relief program. 

Check out the full article here

“Capitalism as it is currently designed doesn’t work for everyone. We need a more equal, fair and sustainable way of doing business that values purpose alongside profit.”

Check out the full article here

CNote is thrilled to announce that we have been selected as a manager in the ImpactAssets 50 2021 (IA 50), which recognizes a diverse group of impact fund managers who demonstrate a commitment to generating positive impact.

IA 50 Fund Managers are experienced impact fund managers with a minimum 3-year track record and $25 AUM.

We are tremendously proud to have been recognized as a top impact fund manager by ImpactAssets,” said Yuliya Tarasava, co-founder and COO of CNote. “Our commitment to deploying capital to underserved communities in order to build a more inclusive economy has always been at the core of what we do and has been a huge part of achieving this recognition.”

Check out the full article here

Chris Marquis sat down with CNote CEO, Catherine Berman, to talk about CDFIs, and how they have stepped up during COVID to aid underserved communities throughout the country.

Check out the full article here

We hope that you enjoyed this month’s Impact Roundup! Was there anything that we missed? Connect with us on Twitter (@gocnote) and leave us any comments, ideas, or feedback that you have. Until next month!