CNote Wins Payment and FinTech group at the 2017 SXSW Accelerator

Accelerator-Pitch-Hannah-Edelman-640x360We are beyond excited to announce that CNote was selected as the winner out of a group of five great finalists in the Payment and FinTech Technologies group at SXSW. Every company deserved such a high recognition, but we are thrilled that our that our message resonated with the audience at SXSW and we are the taking “The Top Innovation” award home.

This recognition is an important reminder that there is room to innovate in the financial space, especially as it relates to maximizing individual and societal wealth. CNote makes products that simplify and democratize finance. We focus on inclusivity, integrity and community when creating every financial product we bring to market.

You can learn more about CNote and our mission here. Also, feel free to contact our team with any questions at