Want to add impact and ESG to your portfolios?
Not sure how to get started with impact investing?
Want to hear industry experts talk about their passion for leveraging finance to build a better world?
Great, sign up for our FREE “Investing for Income + Impact” webinar.
Join CNote and Friends for a Free Webinar
Join us on Wednesday, Feb. 27, 2019, featuring leaders in income and impact — Cat Berman, CEO of CNote; R. Paul Herman, CEO of HIP Investor; and Sonya Dreizler, CEO of Solutions with Sonya.
The webinar will be emceed by Sonya Dreizler, who helps advisors and financial experts pursue impact Investing, and how to better manage your RIA, Mutual Fund, and Broker-Dealer.
Please join us for an insightful exploration and deep discussion on Income + Impact, along with active Q and A along the way.
What We’ll Cover
This and much more:
- Portfolio options that generate Income and Impact across multiple asset classes, including strategies involving muni bonds, real estate, cash alternatives, and other asset classes
- How you can invest in community development and increase capital access for women and people of color
- How to structure a portfolio to target UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) across both U.S. and Global markets
Feb 27, 2019, at 1:00 PM in Pacific Time (US and Canada)